Sunday, 6 June 2010

Create Your Own Text Font Easily Using FontStruct

FontStructSurfing the net, you are
sometimes amazing about fonts of some websites and you think that the
one who designed this font must be so creative and he or she must use
special software to create this. Actually, you can make your own font
just with a browser and the mouse. FontStruct
is a web-based font building service which is very powerful and simple
to use allow you to do this without any efforts.

is a web-based service which is a wonderful website to create fonts
even you are just a newbie font designer (So am I :-)). FontStruct interface
is probably like a graphic user interface of icon builder software
where you can use pixels to place into a grid and it is quite friendly
to everyone. You first must register for an account in order to use,
but it is free and takes not much time.


One of the significant features of FontStruct
is that FontStruct
includes character models for more than 20 different languages so that
you can likely create fonts in many different languages.

To make a new font, you just simply sketch out what you want after
choosing a tool from the tool palettes. You can choose the pencil tool
to draw or an eraser to clear wrong placed pixels, and line creator to
draw a line of pixels. You can also pick different styles for the edges
and corners of your fonts to make them more beautiful.


While creating the font, you can test your font in real time by typing
letters in the test box, which is absolutely a useful and handy feature
for designers.

Once you’ve finished your beautiful font, you can download it onto your
computer in TrueType
format and use it right away in your document. Or you can share your
friends and community on Internet.


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